Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Haven mosque celebrating 20 years


On Saturday , My Oldest son had chance to recite Quran and my youngest son did the Hadith in the program New Haven mosque celebrating 20 years
The program started with children's events at 3 p.m., with a panel of original mosque members and other area Muslim leaders at 6 p.m. and Imam Zaid Shakir speaking at 8 p.m.
A graduate of American University in Washington with a master's degree in political science from Rutgers University, Shakir converted to Islam 30 years ago while serving in the U.S. Air Force.
While imam of Masjid al-Islam from 1988-94, Shakir spearheaded the community renewal and grassroots anti-drug effort and taught political science and Arabic at Southern Connecticut State University.
A panelist with the Washington Post's "On Faith" on-line column. Shakir is a scholar-in-residence and lecturer at Zaytuna Institute in Hayward, Calif. and is a graduate of Syria's Abu Noor University

The kids had fun there.