Friday, June 27, 2008

Satan Eats And Drinks With His Left Hand

It is important to teach our kids that the right hand is used for clean practices like eating and shaking hands. The left hand is used by a person to clean up filth, wash himself after going to the bathroom, and other similar activities.

This tradition reflects the unseen wisdom behind eating and drinking with the right hand, as we see that Satan, who seeks to lead us away from Allah, eats and drinks with the left. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us a complete system to release ourselves from Satan’s control, and thereby earn the Pleasure of Allah.

The implementation of the sunna is a form of remembrance of Allah. We as Muslims believe that Allah has put blessing and good in every action of the Prophet. Through His Mercy, He has enabled us to get close to Him through every act we do, even those that are considered routine.

In Hadiths Regarding Eating With Our Right Hand.

  • Once a man was eating in the company of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and was using his left hand. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Eat with your right hand."
    The man responded: "I am not able to do so." He only said this out of obstinacy.
    So the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Then be unable to do so."
    The narrator of this hadîth then adds: "He was not able after that to raise his right hand to his mouth."
    [Sahîh Muslim (2021)]

  • The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "If one of you eats, he should eat with his right hand. And if he drinks something, he should drink with his right hand. For indeed, Satan eats and drinks with his left hand."
    [Sahîh Muslim (2020)]

  • The Companion Jabir (God be pleased with him) said:
    "I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying: ‘Do not eat with your left hand, because Satan eats and drinks with his left hand.’"
    [Reported by Muslim.]

  • Ibn 'Umar (Radi Allah Anhu) reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
    "When any one of you intends to eat (meal), he should eat with his right hand. and when he (intends) to drink he should drink with his right hand, for the Satan eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand."
    [Sahih Muslim: Volume 3, Book 23, Number 5007]

  • Salim (Radi Allah Anhu), on the authority of his father, reported Allah's Messenger (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam) as saying:
    "None of you should eat with his left hand and drink with that (left hand), for the Satan eats with left hand and drinks with that (hand). Nafi' has made this addition in that:" Do not take up anything with that (left hand) and do not give anything with that."
    [Sahih Muslim: Volume 3, Book 23, Number 5010]

  • Umar Ibn Abee Salamah reported, "The Messenger of Allaah, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam, said to me, "Mention Allaah's Name, eat with your right hand, and eat from what is near you.""
    [Al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Let's teach our kids to eat and drink with his/her right hand.

May Allah help us in teaching our kids in Islamic ways. Ameen.